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Location: Sugar Land, Texas, United States

I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.

  • Visit Get Fuzzy here
  • Thursday, May 05, 2005

    *sigh* What is this world coming to?

    This happens way too often. It's so sad that our language needs a new word for something so tragic. It's undescribable. I just don't know what else to say. So I won't. If there's a God in heaven may he hold you forever baby Erica.


    Blogger Jessigirl said...

    Hey, I'm a friend of Ally's and I just wanted to say that I am glad this story has touched the country. Four years ago, when they found that little girl's body and then head our city has vowed to find out what happened to her and now she can rest in peace. I have been by to see her memorial (about 20min from where I live) and it is a beautiful tribute to a little girl who lost her life so brutally. Take care!


    9:51 AM  

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