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Location: Sugar Land, Texas, United States

I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.

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  • Monday, February 21, 2005

    Proper grammar...

    I was just scrolling through all of the blogs trying to find the one where the woman and her husband had made the lists containing "100 things about them". I wanted to show my wife since I couldn't explain it very well at lunch. Oh well, I'll find it eventually.

    While going through the blogs I was reminded of just how annoyed I get by people who butcher the English language. I just don't get the way some people talk these days. And what's worse is the way some of them write and type. Letting the words come out of your mouth in a lazy manner resulting in slang is one thing. But actually going through the trouble of typing words incorrectly on purpose? I don't get it. I guess I'm just old-fashioned in the sense that I still greet my friends with a 'Hey man!' or a 'Hey, what's new?' instead of one of the latest trendy greetings like 'Yo dawg, wazzz up?'. In all honesty I do use these terms on occasion...when I'm wanting to act stupid with my wife or friends! I guess I'm just too white bred to get in to all of the lingo going around these days. Hell, I can't even shake hands with a man the way some people do. They do all of this crazy handwork. I just want a straight forward solid handshake like in the old days when a handshake meant something.

    I also don't understand why people on the other end of the spectrum insist on using multi-syllabic words when a much simpler word would do just as well. I like to read books. I often find myself having to use a dictionary to understand some of the words the authors use. Are they just trying to make themselves look smart? Do they have one of those '365 Words a Year' calendars that gives them a new word to use every day? Why can't we just use simple English words? The same is apparent in newspapers. It seems as though some people just HAVE to use that thesaurus sitting on their desk. Give me a break would you? Speak to me in words that an everyday guy like me can understand.

    And while we're at it, when's all of this hip-hop culture bullshit going to stop? I'm about sick of the spinning rims, the do-rags, the 'bling bling', the corn rows and all of the other crap that fans of that genre engage in. Enough is enough already. Pull your pants up, tie your shoes, tuck your shirt in and get a job. Stop saying 'pimp' this and 'gangsta' that. You're not shit in the grand scheme of things so eat an entire humble pie and lead a normal, productive life like the rest of us are trying to do. Quit promoting the drug trade, gun crimes, prostitution, gang warfare and general degeneration of your once proud race. Don't speak in 'Ebonics' or 'gansta slang'. You're not 'dope'. You're A dope. You're making fools of yourselves to everyone except your co-offenders. Most hip hoppers and that whole lifestyle are quickly bringing back in to existence strong racism towards the black people. Why can't they all be like Nelly, Sean Combs and Dr. Dre? These guys have class, intelligence and success. Sure they dip back in to the negative aspects of it from time to time but they know that there is a time and place for it. They don't show up at awards shows or other serious occasions dressed like common thugs.

    That's enough for now. I'm climbing off of my honky soap box.


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