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Location: Sugar Land, Texas, United States

I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.

  • Visit Get Fuzzy here
  • Sunday, February 20, 2005


    OK, it's Sunday and I'm not really sure why I'm writing on this. I'm sure my wife is the only one that'll read it so I'll have to be sure to not talk about hot chicks or porn!

    I'm bored off my ass at work. Very little to do other than sit around and wait for the phone to ring so I can answer some dipshits questions that he could find the answers to in the same way I would. Lazy.

    I think I should give thanks today. I have a good life and I didn't get it on my own.

    I'll list the people I'm thankful in order of appearance, not importance.

    To my Dad, for showing me how NOT to be. Damn he failed me as a father. I have one positive memory of him. I was about 7 or 8 and I was laying in bed asleep. He woke me up to see if I wanted to ride in to Rosenberg with him to go grocery shopping at Krogers. He promised to buy me a Star Wars toy if I did. I went and he got it for me. He died when I was 33 so that makes what? 25 or 26 years of piss poor parenting? He took me away from my mother when I was 6 or 7. He then refused to let me visit with my paternal grandparents, followed by my aunt and uncle on his side...the only other family I had in the state of Texas. Mom died when I was 10 and he wouldn't let me go to the funeral. He said it was because he wanted me to remember her when she was alive. Bullshit. He was too poor to buy me a plane ticket. Then his mom died when I was 15. He let my sister go to the funeral but not me. I had work to do. My maternal grandmother died when I was 24. He hated her. My brother and I drove from Houston to Orange County, CA to attend the funeral. He didn't like it at all. Tough shit. He told me I should quit high school because all I'd ever be was an appliance repairman. So I graduated High School and went on to college. I worked for Sherwin Williams during college. When I graduated and was going to quit Sherwin Williams to go in to the oil business he said I was dumb for leaving such a good company. Nevermind that I'd double my income. He didn't know shit. I could go on and on about all the crap I experienced with him but is it worth rehashing? I don't think so. The hate is there and probably always will be.

    I'm also thankful for my sister Diana. Of course we argued when we were growing up. What siblings don't? But through it all we were together. When our other siblings came and went, we were together. Good or bad, didn't matter. It's formed a bond between us that's pretty damn strong. And she's given me my nephew Mitch. That punk-ass. He's a good kid and I wish I could give him the world. But he has to get it for himself. And I'm sure he'll get the parts of it that he needs all on his own.

    I'm thankful for Mitch AND Phillip. They're good boys and seem to be heading towards becoming good men. I just hope nothing gets in their paths to lead them astray. They'd regret it.

    Speaking of nephews and nieces...I'm thankful for all of my nephews and nieces. Unfortunately I'm especially fond of the ones that I get to see on a regular basis. I'm sure that if I spent as much time with Brendas kids as I have with Mitch, Phillip and Jessie then I'd have a great relationship with them as well. But that's not the case, unfortunately.

    The next person I'm thankful for is my brother Mike. Without him I'd have probably turned out to be just like my old man. Bless you Mickey Mouse for saving me from that fate. You taught me how to be a man and an independent thinker. You carried me until I grew legs strong enough to walk on and now I'll walk by your side forever. If your legs get weak, I'll help you walk. If they give out, I'll carry you. You deserve nothing less and I'll give you more if I can. Even if you're a pain in the ass sometimes...FOCKER!

    I'm thankful for my best-friends...Jeff Svatek, James Fullen, Clint Hudgeons and Billy Joe Strawn. You've each had a profound effect on my life for the better. Some have been more of a force in my life than others but a force is a force regardless of size. You guys keep me in touch with where I came from, who I am inside and what I need to be. A man could ask for no better of a friend and I am fortunate to have four of you.

    I'm thankful for a certain blonde girlfriend that I had in college. She drove me to move to Houston where I moved in with my brother Tom and discovered the Internet. And that's where I met my wife. I firmly believe that had I not moved to Houston I would not have found Allison before some other poor bastard found her first. So, I have to be thankful for that influence.

    I'm thankful for all of the women I spent time with between September 1996 and April 1997. Each one of you taught me what I did and did not want in a partner. You narrowed my field of vision.

    I'm supremely thankful for my wife Allison. I can not even begin to imagine the life I would have if she was not in it. It's incomprehensible. I've learned so much from her. I've had so many laughs with her. I've found true love with her. And that love has changed who I am. It has changed me profoundly. In fear of using a cliche, she has made me a better man. Sometimes I wish I could erase all of the years I lived before she came in to my life. Because they just weren't lived by a man at his full potential. But, every one of those days in all of those years was a factor in who I am now and I can not allow myself to regret any of them. It's quite possible that if I had done one solitary thing differently in those times I might not be where I am today. So I can't regret the past. But I can look forward to the future and I hope I have the pleasure of living every single day with her until my last day is through.

    I'm thankful for my step-son Mikey. He's humbled me. He's forced me to acquire a great deal of patience. He's made me smile countless times just with his smile and his giggles. His happiness is infectious. Of course, so is his anger but that's where the patience comes in. He's a good kid and I'm happy that he's in my life. He has autism but that's ok. He's a happy boy 90% of the time. That other 10% is tough but I sincerely believe that I'd have it much tougher with a boy who had no disabilities. We all know they can be terrors. So I'll put up with the pain he inflicts on me sometimes in exchange for the chance to give him piggie back rides, blow raspberries on his tummy and watch him go 'shoes to swing'. That boy. Sometimes you just wanna eat him up....other times ya just wanna eat him!

    I'm also thankful for my step-daughter Kelly. Technically I should have mentioned her before Mikey because I saw her first that morning on the steps in her momma's South Florida townhome. But she's the youngest so she goes second. She's somethin' that little Miss Kelly Marie. She's grown up a lot since I first saw her at 2 1/2 years old. Lil' turd. She was so friggin cute with that square head and chubby cheeks and legs. And now she's growing in to a beautiful young lady. It's scary. I'll be beating the boys off her in the next couple of years. But that's ok. I'm keepin this one safe from harm. I love to do things with her because she loves doing things with me. That makes me feel wanted and loved and that's more valuable than gold.

    She's not second in my heart though. She's tied with that boyyyyy Mikey. It's hard to believe that a man can love two children who aren't his flesh and blood as much as I love these two but I do. And if you don't like it you can go suck on a turnip!

    I'm thankful for my dogs that make me smile everyday. You three were brought in to our lives by some strange force and we're thankful for it everyday, even when you do bad things.

    I'm thankful for my job at Valero. It's afforded me the life I've always wanted for my family. I doubt my life would be as great if I still worked for the evil empire Inspectorate.

    I'm thankful for Dr. Porter-Tucci. She keeps me healthy, physically and mentally. She's a great physician and I hope she never moves.

    I'm thankful for my physical therapists, Greta and Cindy. They're helping me to fix the body that I've abused for so many years. Hopefully, with their assistance, I'll reach a point to where I can go for days on end without feeling pain in at least one part of my body. That would be sooooo nice. I wouldn't have to worry about picking up my kids for fear that it'd throw my back, shoulder or hip in to another cycle of pain. I'd also not have to worry about wrestling my wife on to the bed! :)

    That's enough for now. My wrists are getting sore.

    P.S. Thanks for Honda and Triumph Motorcycles!


    Blogger Ally said...

    WOW, what a man he is! Saying such nice things about his family. We trully don't deserve him but glad that we've got him.

    It is "I" who is thankful! Who else would put up with my NY Italian whuny ass on a daily basis?Noone I tell ya!

    I love ya Dave!Always and until the last day.

    2:04 PM  

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