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Location: Sugar Land, Texas, United States

I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.

  • Visit Get Fuzzy here
  • Monday, April 11, 2005

    I just don't know anymore

    It's a sad world out there. Is it getting worse or has it always been this bad? Is mankind as a race in a downward spiral or have we always been like this? It's possible that we've always been a sorry lot and that it just wasn't known how widespread it was until the advent of modern communications and the Internet.

    Why? Why is it that it's a common occurence to hear about a baby being abused to death? Yeah, it's still shocking. Yeah, it's still considered atrocious. But it keeps on happening. Why are drug addicts, psychotics, convicted felons and other low forms of mankind allowed to bring children in to this world? These children might as well be euthanised as soon as they're born because they don't stand a chance if left in the care of these people.

    Why is it that the insurgent attacks continued in Iraq even during the mourning and funeral of the Pope? Do these people not realize that the leader of one of the most powerful religious groups on the planet had just passed away and that a period of respect was in order? What are they thinking? If ever there was reason for a cease fire his passing was definitely one.

    Why do people constantly criticize President Bush? Do they have an educational background comparable to his? Are they privy to the same information that the President of the United States of America is? They think they can do a better job than him. They think they know what's better for our country. They think he's the devil in disguise and he's caused an enormous loss of life for no good reason. I say give them a day in his shoes and see if they can do a better job. Obviously they couldn't or they'd be President instead of him.

    Why is the tiger population in wildlife sanctuaries taking a sharp decline? Poachers no longer fear the government troops that patrol these areas. Is it such a hard concept to grasp that if you eradicate a key predator in an ecosystem, that ecosystem will be harmed irrepairably? They kill tigers for their medicinal qualities. They believe parts of the tiger will make them more virile, strong and fearless. It's so stupid it's sad.

    On the other side of the coin, they're culling seals in the frigid northern wastelands. Greenpeace and other environmental activists are protesting. Physical altercations have erupted as a result. These activists...are they scientists? Have they conducted or witnessed the studies that show what will happen if a species population goes unchecked.

    No, I doubt they are. They're probably running on emotions alone. If they're going to open their fat yappers and protest something, shouldn't they educate themselves on the topic first and not just go by somebody elses word? Institutions such as Texas A & M offer courses such as animal husbandry and wildlife management. That's the kind of qualifications that professionals have. What do these protestors claim as qualifications?

    Our world is a big place and every thing that lives on it has a purpose. Everything plays its own role. Those living things that have the ability to conduct their lives in a responsible, thoughtful, educated and civilized manner should do so. Life on Earth is a privilege and should be handled responsibly. Those that go through life with no thought or consideration for their environment and those they share it with don't deserve to live a peaceful and prosperous existence. Because chances are they're making life hard for someone else. And that ain't right.


    Blogger Ally said...

    It is sad what this world has become. It makes me proud to know I am doing my part to instill a healthy and happy lifestyle for my family.

    At least we learned from the mistakes of our parents. Most just repeat the cycle. The broken road has done us some good honey...and
    I love you all the more because of it.

    9:16 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have all these thoughts and more. It would be a great place if we all thought like this. Sadly we don't and if our world continues to be the way it is there will be a major melt down. I'm not going to be held accountable for their destruction. All I can do it not add to it and do my best with the little piece of world I have. I wish others were as thankful for what they have as I am and it seems sadly they miss out on the best part of being alive. Love, Peace and Harmony.

    2:08 AM  
    Blogger Sporty said...

    AMEN! You said better than I ever could have. Unfortunately, I don't think that these kinds of things will ever change. All we can do is hope for the best and try to make our lives as non-effected and as good possible.

    It is nice to see you back on and posting.

    Take care,

    7:00 AM  

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