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Location: Sugar Land, Texas, United States

I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.

  • Visit Get Fuzzy here
  • Tuesday, February 22, 2005

    People suck...

    I've been sick for the past 4 days and I'm a little irritable. When I'm irritable I'm usually less tolerable of peoples suckiness. Today is a prime example. I think anyone that has to deal with me today will not walk away with a positive image of me. Who cares!

    That having been said, I'd like to start the day off with a list of 'People who suck'.

    #1. People who don't buckle their children in to their car seats. Don't you realize that you're child is moving as fast as your vehicle is and if you had to slam on the brakes the car would stop but your child would not? Besides, it's the law. Buckle your kids up you morons.

    #2. People who are 'leftists'. By this I mean those of you who drive slowly in the far left lane, i.e. The FAST LANE. Didn't you take drivers ed or did you get your license out of a Cracker Jack box? And how come when you see someone coming up on your tail at a high rate of don't move over and may even slow down? You're a schmuck.

    #3. People who don't want you to come in to their lanes ahead of them. Have you ever put your turn signal on to change lanes and the person that's in that lane speeds up to keep you from getting in front of him or her? They suck too. I think these people just don't want to risk being slowed down by someone coming in to their lanes. To change lanes and then slow down when you don't need to, like for an exit or something, is to impede the forward progression of another individual. And that's not right. Those of you who do suck too!

    #4. People that stop right in the middle of the flow of people through a mall. If you want to stop and look in a window get out of our way before you do it. Or better yet...just stay home. You're an inconsiderate prick and shouldn't be going out in public anyhow.

    #5. People that stand at the entrance to a non-smoking establishment and SMOKE! Have some common sense people. What's the point of having a non-smoking policy if you're going to be nailed by the stench before you even walk in the joint. Go around the corner and smoke. Or go around back and hide behind the dumpster with the other degenerates. I don't care what you do but I'm tired of smelling your putrid exhalations when I'm trying to enter a restaurant or other place of social enjoyment...jerk!

    #6. Drive-thru attendants that get all huffy when you ask them to correct your order. Listen up meathead! YOU are the one that obviously couldn't understand English when I said I want a Route 44 Diet Coke with cherry and vanilla...EASY on the ice. Easy on the ice does not mean fill the cup to the top with ice and then put a squirt of soda and additives in it. If I wanted a cup of ice I'd go lick a polar bears ass. So go back to school, get an education and get a job where you won't be so abused on a regular basis. If you don't like what you're doing, change things...duh!

    #7. People that don't wave back when I extend a humane gesture of friendliness. I waved to you punk. Are you blind? Is it that hard to just throw a hand up in a wave so that you don't royally piss me off? Be a little more friendly and people will be more friendly to you...generally. If they're not then put them on your list of people who suck.

    #8. People who aren't thankful for their job and just piss and moan about it every time you see them. Here's a tip. Get another job. If you're not qualified to get a different job...become qualified. Otherwise shut your pie hole and take it like a man...silently. It could always be worse. You could be working as a drive-thru attendant. Or as a petroleum inspector. Which brings me to my #9.

    #9. Companies that care more about profits than employees. I used to be a petroleum inspector. I was on call 24 hours a day for 6 days and then 3 days off. During those 6 days I might work 30 to 40 hours straight without sleep. In the rain, cold, didn't matter. Any kind of weather, any time of day, any kind of product be it lethal chemicals or really dirty, sticky black oils. And they expected you to be able to drive home without getting yourself killed and fall asleep as soon as you walked in the door...because chances are they'd be calling you out in another 8 hours. Now some of you might be thinking that'd be a lucrative job with all of the overtime. Think again. Here in Texas we get chinese overtime. Basically it works like this. If you make $14 an hour that would be $560 in a 40 hour week. Let's say you work 100 hours that week. You take $560 and divide it by the number of hours worked, 100. You get $5.60. Cut that in half and that's your hourly rate for all overtime. $2.80 per hour for all hours worked over 40. So for 60 hours overtime you'd get $168. Still think your job sucks?

    #10. People that don't consider their fellow Earth inhabitants when they go about their daily lives. These are the inconsiderate ones. They don't say excuse me. They don't say they're sorry. They don't get out of your way when it's obvious you're in a hurry. They don't get out of your way for any other reason. They let their kids scream and holler in grocery stores, malls and restaurants. They congregate in front of your office and have loud, extended conversations while you're trying to conduct business on the phone. They just don't think about what they're doing. It's not that hard people. Look around you. Think about what effect you're having on other peoples lives. It's called consideration and the world is in serious need of it these days.


    Blogger Ally said...

    WOW...I guess I won't be talking to you til later! :)

    6:25 AM  
    Blogger Jenn said...

    I agree with your whole list!!! An to add to the not waving thing - I hate when you let someone go (for example when they are coming out of a parking lot) and THEY DON'T WAVE TO YOU AS A GESTURE OF THANKS! That pisses me off to no end!!!

    You are one funny guy!

    3:57 PM  

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